
Before you read my posts, please forgive me for my bad grammar. And inconsistent pronoun, for sometimes I use "aku" and sometimes I use "saya", it depends on my mood and the post. Some of them are in English and some in Malay language. And the pictures in this blog mostly from google images. Btw, thanks for stopping by here.


Welcome July

Sabda NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W "Perjanjian (perbezaan) diantara kita (orang islam) dan mereka (orang kafir) ialah SOLAT, dan barangsiapa meninggalkan SOLAT sesungguhnya dia telah menjadi seorang kafir. (Hadis Riwayat Imam Al Tarmidhi)

Terima kasih Allah, masih memberi aku peluang untuk hidup.....

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