
Before you read my posts, please forgive me for my bad grammar. And inconsistent pronoun, for sometimes I use "aku" and sometimes I use "saya", it depends on my mood and the post. Some of them are in English and some in Malay language. And the pictures in this blog mostly from google images. Btw, thanks for stopping by here.


Learning to accept a "NO"

It is not okay when you can't accept the answer NO in your life. Really not okay. You think you can have everything you want in this life. And when you don't get any of them, you will get angry and start to piss off people. And you think that's very cool of you, but it is really NOT okay.

Pepatah melayu ada mengatakan, hidup umpama roda, kejap kat atas kejap kat bawah. Bukan semua yang kita nak kita akan dapat. Tak semua. Dan tolong, ubah la perangai. Bila tak dapat apa kau mahu, kau mula merajuk, masam muka, memberontak sampai kau dapat apa kau nak. Itu bukan usaha. Itu mengada-ngada dan pemalas!


Kau anggap kau lah Diva. Bila kawan kau kata TIDAK, kau tinggalkan dia, macam dia bersalah sangat. Lepas tu tak bertegur sapa berhari-hari. Bila kau dah tak ada kawan lain, kau balik pada dia. Erm, alienkah kau? Tak ada perasaan? 

Ah, really. I'm pissed off.

Happy birthday to a friend of mine... Have a blast =)


Anonymous said...

btul2..jgn la kita bermusuh2 an..haha people don't realize they did a mistake until others do the samething to them..mcm x msk lak ayat x jgn marah2 senyum2 kambing selalu

p/s: alienkah kau??alien pon x de wat mcm tu..kalo alien baca musti dia marah ko tuk statement diatas..haha--Miss N

+aNa baNana+ said...

miss N ::: memang x masuk pon ayt tu, tpi xpe, ayt tu bergune jugak. tq frenz. mane de mrh2, aku kan senyum sokmo ni haaaa...

alien mane de perasaan! ko je alien tuu