
Before you read my posts, please forgive me for my bad grammar. And inconsistent pronoun, for sometimes I use "aku" and sometimes I use "saya", it depends on my mood and the post. Some of them are in English and some in Malay language. And the pictures in this blog mostly from google images. Btw, thanks for stopping by here.


We cant continue this friendship anymore. Sorry!

To my dear friend,

I really thanked you for being my sincerely friend for 6 years
We created too much memories, sweet and sour
Each time I get trouble, you help me
Each time you get problems, me will help you

I dont think this blog's space is enough
To list each and every moments we do together
Too much to list, but yet not too easy to forget

You always advise me
About everything in this world
Love, life, money, study
I cant be me today if you are not hold me for six years

But lately
You've changed, really turn into another person
You act like you dont know me
You dont smile to me anymore
You dont hold me anymore

I'm sorry
For i know it is my fault
Disappointed your heart

I'm sorry friend
Really meant it
But we need to find our own life
For you know, my heart is someone's

p/s ::: Only for you, if you read this! I know you will read this. Really sorry......... 


Ikb said...

aku tk slhkan ko. i'm happy when you are happy, remember?

+aNa baNana+ said...

ye la, tau tau!!!

let's be happy always ok bro!