
Before you read my posts, please forgive me for my bad grammar. And inconsistent pronoun, for sometimes I use "aku" and sometimes I use "saya", it depends on my mood and the post. Some of them are in English and some in Malay language. And the pictures in this blog mostly from google images. Btw, thanks for stopping by here.


Randomness on first day of Feb

Hey, It's February already. A month has passed. And I'd too many exam last month.

Supposedly my flight to Malaysia is today, yes, today. But because I failed my evacuation test, so me and a few friends in my group need to repeat it next Monday.

Seriously, rasa serba salah sangat dengan ayah dan ibu. Terpaksa susahkan mereka last minit. Mula-mula bila dapat result, memang rasa down sangat-sangat. Tambah-tambah lagi, I'm in the middle of OSCE exam. Mujur ada ibu tempat meluah perasaan kedua selepas Dia. Mujur saya ada ibu yang sangat supportive. Thanks ibu. Thanks ayah. Can't wait to hug both of you :D

Dugaan datang pada orang yang Dia ingin uji. Saya kena kuat. Be strong.

Tak selalu orang berada di atas. Sekali sekala kena merasa kegagalan juga kan. That's life.

Ok la. tu je nak update. Hari ni tak tau nak buat apa. Air takde kat rumah. I guess I need to start study for the evacuation test. Salam......................


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