
Before you read my posts, please forgive me for my bad grammar. And inconsistent pronoun, for sometimes I use "aku" and sometimes I use "saya", it depends on my mood and the post. Some of them are in English and some in Malay language. And the pictures in this blog mostly from google images. Btw, thanks for stopping by here.


Give up already?

I sit there, alone, thinking deeply, and no matter how many thousands i think and rethink and think again, i could not get the right answer.

Why people so easy to kill their self by jumping from high building or something or cutting their artery or take hundred pills. Do them think about their family or at least about someone who care bout them. Do they really willing to make Allah mad instead of facing world's problem.........

Life always knocks people down, but people have two choice : to give up or to move forward even a step.

"Dan (tiap-tiap) makhluk yang bernyawa tidak akan mati melainkan dengan izin Allah, iaitu ketetapan (ajal) yang tertentu masanya (yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah) dan (dengan yang demikian) sesiapa yang menghendaki balasan dunia, kami berikan bahagiannya dari balasan dunia itu dan sesiapa yang menghendaki balasan akhirat, kami berikan bahagiannya dari balasan akhirat itu dan Kami pula akan beri balasan pahala kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur." [Al-'Imran 3:145]

p/s ::: Mesti satu Malaysia dah tau pasal cubaan bunuh diri dekat KB mall semalam[kat fb ada, youtube ada, blog lain pun ada video dia]. Astaghfirullah. Semoga perkara seumpama itu dijauhkan dari aku.

1 comment:

WAWA HAE NA said...

org mcm tuh da ta weti berfikir..huhu